Then in third place is THE POWER OF HABIT which fits in with innovation and rewiring and shows that you have to change old patterns to create new ones...regardless of your age or stage of life! In #4 position is the book UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES by Edward Conard about Bain Capital. It’s not the content that caught our attention but rather the title. We believe that if you don’t get creative and break some bad habits and add some new habits there can be unintended consequences, personally, financially, socially not to mention emotionally.
So it’s interesting that the 5th book title is THINKING, FAST AND SLOW by Daniel Kahneman which discusses how we make choices at work and play; a perfect response to the books that came before. What couldn’t be better in this trend of titles is Brendon Burchard’s book, THE CHARGE at #6 which presents 10 human drives that help people achieve happiness and success. Now that theme is very near and dear to us since we present the top 85 reasons why people work, which we call Drivers in DON’T RETIRE, REWIRE!
THE PRICE OF INEQUALITY by Joseph Stiglitz at #7 brings you back to reality with the focus on the consequences of America’s growing inequality and argues that this inequality is not inevitable. This all ties back into changing habits, rewiring mindsets and action, and basically taking charge. We hope you see an interesting pattern here –or are even creating one of your own!
We laughed when we saw #8 SCREWED by Dick Morris, an exclamation that many may be feeling when they see a book list of titles that focus on change. Let’s face it, we need to undertake change to make our lives, our businesses even the world, a better place. By this time I couldn’t have asked for a better book #9, HOW WILL YOU MEASURE YOUR LIFE by Clayton Christensen, which is about finding meaning and happiness!
And then the culmination was #10 END THIS DEPRESSION NOW! by Paul Krugman. It wasn’t the message that interested me but rather where this title came in the list of 10. After reading the titles of the first nine books you could be feeling depressed, or energized and ready to rewire!
The above was just a little game we played for ourselves, but don’t you begin to wonder what would happen if we really did change some of our habits and used our drivers—our motivators--- to help us make choices and really took charge of our lives so we didn’t feel SCREWED.