The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that today there are 50 million cases of arthritis in the U.S. By 2030 they project 67 million cases. But only old people get arthritis, right? Wrong. Chances are that as our bodies age we run the risk of becoming an arthritis statistic. But all is not lost.
We recently saw an article in Arthritis Today magazine about Pearl White, a 96 year old woman, who is a role model for all of us. A life long dancer, she was forced to give it up at age 80 when her arthritis became too painful for her to continue. But she rewired and became a fitness instructor. She didn't give up. She found another way to channel her energy, continue to exercise, and remain socially engaged as a teacher. Pearl asked herself, what else can I do?
Life is all about ages and stages. If something you do becomes problematic, like exercise, playing golf, tennis, dancing, or anything else, you need to find new alternatives that keep you in the game. Staying physically active and socially engaged is one sure way to have a better future. It will benefit your body and your mind. So it happens to you, do what Pearl did and find something new! You can REWIRE as many times as you can imagine or need to. When one thing goes, try something new.