Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Discover Why Traditional Retirement Is Obsolete

Long before the economic chaos of this past year, Americans were already beginning to redefine what retirement meant to them. In fact it was as early as the year 2000, that AARP discovered that 80% of their members said they wanted to "work in retirement," but with flexible hours and with less stress and responsibility. But there is more to the story....

I had the chance to explore the concept with my friend, Andres Tapia, of HEWITT ASSOCIATES in an article entitled: Take Five - Retirement Is So Yesterday- Think Rewirement! It was an opportunity to propose a few ideas that all of us can start to do regardless of age or stage of life.

Andres is the author of the new book "The Inclusion Paradox: The Obama Era and the Transformation of Global Diversity," and is putting forward new ideas to consider that will impact all of our futures. It's a great read and very thought-provoking!

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